
11 Nederlandse startups in finale van de Startup Rally tijdens The Next Web

By: Redactie Dutchcowboys

De finalisten van The Next Web Paypal X Startup Rally zijn vandaag bekend gemaakt. Deze competitie voor veelbelovende technologische bedrijven kan worden gezien als de WK eindronde. Van de 245 inschrijvingen zijn er uiteindelijk 23 geselecteerd om zichzelf tijdens The Next Web Conference voor het eerst te presenteren aan het internationale publiek.

Opvallend is dat elf van de 23 bedrijven een Nederlandse achtergrond hebben. Een van de voorwaarden om mee te doen aan deze competitie is dat de bedrijven iets nieuws moeten presenteren aan het publiek. Veel jonge bedrijven lanceren hun dienst voor het eerst voor het publiek tijdens The Next Web Conference en anderen kondigen nieuwe producten aan.

De Nederlandse finalisten zijn:

Tribe of Noise

Sogeo Company


Tot de overige finalisten behoren:



English Attack!

Hieronder een volledig overzicht van alle Startups met een korte omschrijving :

TribeofNoise Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X  Startup Rally 2010
Tribe of Noise

Pitch: A free worldwide music community connecting artists to multi billion dollar industries in need for Ready to Share Music.
Tag: Music
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference

Inbox2 Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: Inbox2 is an email application brings your email & social network account messages, documents & contacts, calendar in one convenient place.
Tag: Communication
Remark: Announcing new stuff at TNW Conference

Fashiolista Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X  Startup Rally 2010

Pitch: Think fashion meets twitter, with a stylish twist. Imagine an army of fashionistas searching every corner of the web.. for your inspiration
Tag: e-commerce, fashion
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

MailSuite Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: Unified access to all messages, any time, any location, any device. Mobile compression saves time & $$, time management saves your sanity.
Tag: Communication
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference

Pipio Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: The easiest way to start, share, and organize conversations.
Tag: Communication
Remark: Announcing new stuff at TNW Conference

Distimo Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: Distimo provides app store analytics; insight in the fragmented mobile app store market for developers, handset manufacturers and carriers.
Tag: mobile, statistics
Remark: Announcing new stuff at TNW Conference

Twittercounter Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X  Startup Rally 2010

Pitch: The number one statistic app on top of Twitter
Tag: Statistics, communication
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference

Ecwid Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: Ecwid adds online store to any web site in less than five minutes.
Tag: e-commerce
Remark: Announcing new stuff at TNW Conference

DoubleDutch Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X  Startup Rally 2010

Pitch: Build your own geolocation check-in app.
Tag: Location, mobile
Remark: Announcing new stuff at TNW Conference

englishattack Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X  Startup Rally 2010

English Attack!
Pitch: English Attack! is the first 100% entertainment-based method of learning English.
Tag: e-learning, entertainment
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Fitsme Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: Fits.me is a virtual fitting room for online clothing retail. Solving the single biggest problem, it increases sales dramatically.
Tag: e-commerce, fashion
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

NextWidgets Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X  Startup Rally 2010

Pitch: Transactional banners for webpages, Facebook pages and mobile apps. First ever viral shopping platform for Facebook. Alternative to AdSense.
Tag: e-commerce
Remark: Announcing new stuff at TNW Conference

feestje Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: Find where your friends are, find hot places and gives the word serendipity a new meaning.
Tag: Location, mobile
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

22tracks Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: 22tracks provides a quick overview of the latest music, promotes new artists and lets you discover new genres. No registration, no hassle.
Tag: Music
Remark: Announcing new stuff at TNW Conference

Sogeo Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Sogeo Company
Pitch: Sogeo enables businesses to build location aware communities around their brands, products and services both on mobile and web.
Tag: Location, mobile
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Peecho Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: Peecho provides cloud printing as a service. Merchants can create their own application to sell personalized products through our platform.
Tag: e-commerce, printing
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

PressDoc Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: PressDoc offers dynamic and interactive online press releases for companies, organizations and individuals.
Tag: PR2.0, Social Media release
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference

next2news Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: Advertising platform to put ads to news related content (in Dutch only)
Tag: advertising
Remark: Announcing new stuff at TNW Conference

Buildor Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: Buildor’s mission is to facilitate the manipulation of HTML through the browser, bringing full design and editing control of the web to the cloud.
Tag: web design
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference

SubMate Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: SubMate is social commuting: discover the familiar stranger you see everyday in and around your subway commutes!
Tag: Location, mobile
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Rapportive Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X  Startup Rally 2010

Pitch: We all need to stay connected with increasingly many people. It shouldn’t be this hard. Rapportive helps by giving you the context you need.
Tag: Communication
Remark: Announcing new stuff at TNW Conference

Shutl Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: Shutl lets retailers offer consumers immediate/convenient delivery of online purchases. Consumers shop online & get in 90min or within 1 hr time slot of their choice.
Tag: transportation, e-commerce
Remark: Announcing new stuff at TNW Conference

Brainient Announcing the finalists of The Next Web Paypal X Startup  Rally 2010

Pitch: We help video publishers make more money with their video content by attaching affiliate links to products in their videos.
Tag: Video advertising
Remark: Announcing new stuff at TNW Conference

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